VALHALLA FIGHTING - KUPUJ PPV ZDE - ultras & hooligans streetwear

Aktuálně hledáme:

- prostředky na nákup potřebného vybavení

- lidé s vozidly, kteří jsou připraveni dovézt věci na státní hranici

- lidé, kteří mohou pracovat ve skladu a třídit věci

- lidé, kteří mají užitečné kontakty s nadacemi (lékařskými obchody), sklady zbraní atd.

Existuje široká škála požadovaných lékařských a vojenských věcí. Jakákoli vaše pomoc, dary a pomoc jsou cenné!

Požadavky na dary:

Mezinárodní bankovní účet:

PL86 1160 2202 0000 0003 9178 7300


Pokud máte nějaké dotazy, neváhejte kontaktovat @Artem_Vorobyov (Telegram)!

Naši chlapci již pracují v Polsku, aby pomohli lidem na Ukrajině.

Připojte se a přispějte k tomu, abychom se zbavili agresorů!

Zůstaňme spolu!




We have an important announcement for those fans who live on the territory of Czech / Slovak Republic. Brothers! The affairs of year 2020 when the mad dictator held his throne with the assistance of his accomplice from kremlin pushed many noble men outside Belarus. We know that many Belarusian fans now reside in CZ / SK and other countries. Nowadays, when the people of Ukraine resist Russian occupation, we need each other! The bravest only can fight with weapons in hands and defend Ukraine (and Belarus). Yet you can be useful even being outside Ukraine! We, the fans of Dynamo Minsk, announce the foundtion of the volunteering center of Belarusian fans, where anybody can make his own contribution to the overall victory!

Currently we are seeking:

- funds to buy required gear

- people with vehicles who are ready to bring stuff to the state border

- people who can work in warehouse to sort out things

- people who have useful contacts with foundations (medical stores) weapon stores etc.

There is a wide range of required medical and military things. Any your help, donation and assistance is precious!

Requisistes for donations:

International banking account:

PL86 1160 2202 0000 0003 9178 7300


Should you have any questions, feel free to contact @Artem_Vorobyov (Telegram)!

Our lads already work in Poland to help the people of Ukraine.

Join and make your contribution to get rid of aggressors!

Stay together!

Thank you!

REKLAMA - ultras & hooligans streetwear

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