VALHALLA FIGHTING - KUPUJ PPV ZDE - ultras & hooligans streetwear

We decided to visit this high profile match, as it´s considered to be one of the best in Europe, if not the best. We were looking forward meeting Torcida fans and home group Bad Blue Boys. Went by car in very strange line-up. There were 2 supporters of Banik Ostrava, one from Opava and one from Liberec. We came to the main city of Croatia, were you meet Czechs usually during their summer holiday, at about 8 am.

Even at this early hour, you could see many groups of Dinamo fans looking for the enemy. They didn´t look that friendly, I can tell you. One of the groups stopped us and asked, where are we from. When they found out we are Czechs, they let us go and even show us where to find open exchange office. As well as those groups of home supporters you can see quite a lot cops in the town.

After look-over in the town, we tried local beer "Ozujsko", had a massive pizza and went to the stadium 2 and a half hours before the match. It´s very busy there already, you can see lots of smaller groups of Dinamo fans, drinking, singing, you can see some smoke bombs and flares during taking the pictures. At the visitors end you can see police getting prepared. Right straight away, one of the stand by lads gets beaten by other 6. Yes, he was wearing Hajduk top. That top gets burned in a few minutes. About 30 minutes later I´ve heard some shouting and could see about 10 cops being chased by about 100 home supporters. Police reinforce and the short fight is over.

There is 25.000 people at the stadium and packed home sector start the match by lighting about 150 flares. Some of those were thrown at the pitch and Hajduk goalkeeper had to clear them. He was doing that until he was hit by one and the match was stopped. When those flares were burning down, home supporters threw some orange smoke bombs. Looked impressive. There was about 2500 fanatics in Hajduk sector with many nice flags, which were not only at the fence infront, but also at the seats in the next sector. Hajduk fans started to ligh the flares and throwing them at the pitch. You can see flags being burned at both ends and home supporters took out massive flag with pig in hajduk kit on.

Second half is started by Hajduk fans and another 100 red flares, which ended up at the pitch again. Match is stopped and you can see some seats being thrown out as well. This continues during the whole second half.25.000 people isn´t that many, but when they all shout and sing - it´s very impressive indeed.

After the match we go for beer to slovinian Maribor and then home. We found out later on, that there were some fights in the evening when 21 hooligans was arrested, 2 cops and 12 fans hurt. About 12 cars, two buses and three trams were damaged.

C.N.L. (Ostrava)

REKLAMA - ultras & hooligans streetwear

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